Selected Publications
Pieters C. M. and Noble S. K. (2016) Space Weathering on Airless Bodies. JGR Planets, 121, issue 10, pgs 1865-1884.
Noble S. K., Keller L. P., Christoffersen R., Rahman Z. (2016) The Microstructure of Lunar Micrometeorite Impact Craters. LPSCXLVII Abstract #1465. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Elsila J. E., Callahan M. P., Dworkin J. P., Glavin D. P, McLain H. L., Noble S. K., and Gibson, E. K. (2016) The origin of amino acids in lunar regolith samples. Geochem Cosmochem Acta, 172, 357-369.,1016/j.gca.2015.10.008.
Noble S. K., Keller L. P., Christoffersen R., Rahman Z. (2015) The Microstructure of a Micrometeorite Impact into Olivine. Workshop on Space Weathering of Airless Bodies: Integration of Remote Sensing Data, Laboratory Experiments, and Sample Analysis, Abstract #2034. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Noble S. K., Keller L. P., Christoffersen R., Rahman Z. (2013) Lateral Variations in Lunar Weathering Patina on Centimeter to Nanometer Scales. LPSCXLIV Abstract #1298. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Eppler D. and the Desert Rats Science Team (2012) Desert Research And Technology Studies (DRATS) 2010 Science Operations: Operational Approaches And Lessons Learned For Managing Science During Human Planetary Surface Missions. Acta Astronautic,
Noble S. K., Keller L. P., Christoffersen R., Rahman Z. (2012) Space Weathering of Lunar Rocks. LPSCXLIII Abstract #1239. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Thompson M. S., Christoffersen R., Noble S. K. and Keller L. P. Comparitive Mineralogy, Microstructure and Compositional Trends in the Sub-Micron Size Fractions of Mare and Highland Lunar Soils.LPSCXLIII Abstract #2384. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Noble S. K., Hiroi T., Keller L. P., Rahman Z. Sasaki S. and Pieters C. M. (2011) Experimental Space Weathering of Ordinary Chondrites by Nanopulse Laser: TEM Results. LPSCXLII Abstract #1382. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Hiroi T., Sasaki S., Noble S. K., and Pieters C. M. (2011) Space Weathering of Ordinary Chondrite Parent Bodies, its Impact on the Method of Distinguishing H, L, and LL Types, and Implications for Itokawa Samples Returned by the Hayabusa Mission. LPSCXLII Abstract #1264. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Noble S. K., Keller L. P, and Pieters C. M. (2011) Evidence of space weathering in regolith breccias II: Asteroidal regolith breccias. Meteoritics & Planetary Science Vol 45, issue 12, 2007–2015.
Kramer G., Combe J., Harnett E., Hawke B. R., Noble S., Blewett D., McCord T., and Giguere T. (2011) Characterization of Lunar Swirls and Basalts at Mare Ingenii: A Model for Space Weathering at Magnetic Anomalies. J. Geophys. Res., 116, E04008, doi:10.1029/2010JE003669.
Noble S. K. (2010) Examining the Uppermost Surface of the Lunar Regolith. LPSCXLI, Abstract #1505. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston
Mendell W. W. and Noble S. K. (2010) The Epiregolith. LPSCXLI, Abstract #1348. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston
Domingue D. L., Vilas F., Noble S. K., Blewett D. T., Denevi B. W., Helbert J., Holsclaw G. M., Izenberg N. R., Sprague A. L. (2009 Processes Affecting Mercury's Spectrum and COlor: Space Weathering. Abstracts to the Workshop on the Surface Composition of Mercury from UV-Vis-IR. University of Parma, Italy.
Noble S. K. (2009) The Uppermost Surface of Lunar Soil. Abstract, NLSI Lunar Science Forum, Mountain View CA.
Christoffersen R., Lindsay J. F., Noble S. K., Meador M. A., Kosmo J. J., Lawrence J. A., Brostoff L., Young A., McCue T. (2009) Lunar Dust Effects on Spacesuit Systems Insights from the Apollo Spacesuits. NASA Technical Publication #34951.
Pieters, C. M., Klima R., Hiroi T., Dyar M. D., Lane M. D., Treiman A. H., Noble S. K., Sunshine J., and Bishop J. (2008), Martian dunite NWA 2737: Integrated spectroscopic analyses of brown olivine, J. Geophys. Res., 113, XXXXXX, doi:10.1029/2007JE002939
Lucey, P. G. and Noble S. K. (2008) Experimental Test of a Radiative Transfer Model of the Optical Effects of Space Weathering. Icarus, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2008.05.008.
Noble S. K., Pieters C. M., Keller L. P. (2007) An Experimental Approach to Understanding the Optical Effects of Space Weathering. Icarus, 192, 629-642.
Noble S. K., Keller L. P., and Pieters C. M. (2007) The Uppermost Surface of the Moon: A Study of the Ap16 Clam Shell Samples. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P44A-06.
Noble S. K. and Keller L. P. (2007) Space Weathering of Lunar Rock 76015. 2007 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007) Abstract #209-28.
Noble S. K., Keller L. P. and Stroud, R. (2007) Probing the Depths of Space Weathering: A Cross-Sectional view of Lunar Rock 76015. LPSCXXXVIII, Abstract #1359. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Treiman, A. H., Dyar M. D., McCanta M., Noble S. K., and Pieters, C. M. (2006) Martian Dunite NWA 2737: Petrographic Constraints on Geological History, Shock Events, and Olivine Color. J. Geophys. Res., doi 10.1029/2006JE002777.
Noble, S. K., C. M. Pieters, T. Hiroi, and L. A. Taylor (2006) Using the modified Gaussian model to extract quantitative data from lunar soils, J. Geophys. Res., 111, E11009, doi:10.1029/2006JE002721. Abstract
Noble S. K. and Lindsay J. F. (2006) From another planet: Exploring the health effects of lunar soil and the challenges of communicating across diciplines. GSA Annual Meeting, Philidelphia PA.
Noble S. K., Keller L. P. and Chrisofferson R. (2006) Nanometer-scale Chemical Mapping of Space Weathered Lunar Soil: A New View. LPSCXXXVII, Abstract #1819. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K., Pieters C. M.and Hiroi T. (2005) Extracting Quantitative Data from Lunar Soil Spectra. LPSCXXXVI, Abstract #1255. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K., Keller L. P and Pieters C. M. (2005) Evidence of space weathering in regolith breccias I: Lunar regolith breccias. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 40, 397-408.
Noble S. K. (2004) Turning Rock Into Regolith: The Physical and Optical Effects of Space Weathering in the Inner Solar System. Ph.D. Thesis.
Noble S. K. Pieters, C. M.and Keller L. P. (2004) Quantitative Aspects of Space Weathering: Implications for Regolith Breccia Meteorites and Asteroids. LPSCXXXV, Abstract #1301. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K., Keller L. P. and Pieters, C. M. (2003) Preservation of Space Weathering Products in Regolith Breccias. MetSoc2003, Munster, Germany. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 38, 7, A56.
Noble S. K. and Pieters, C. M. (2002) The Optical Effects of Space Weathering Products on Silicate Surfaces. Eos Trans. AGU, 83 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P61A-0339.
Noble S. K. Pieters, C. M.and Keller L. P. (2003) The Optical Properties of Nanophase Iron: Investigation of a Space Weathering Analog. LPSCXXXIV, Abstract #1172. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K. Keller L. P.and Pieters, C. M. (2003) Making a Regolith Breccia. LPSCXXXIV, Abstract #1626. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K. and Pieters, C. M. (2003) Space Weathering on Mercury: Implications for Remote Sensing. Astronomicheskij Vestinik, 37, 34-39. (An english version is available in Solar System Research, 37, 31-35)
Noble S. K. and Pieters, C. M. (2002) Space Weathering Processes on Mercury. Solar System Remote Sensing Conf. Abstract #4005. Pittsburgh, PA.
Noble S. K. Keller L. P.and Pieters, C. M. (2002) Understanding and Identifying Space Weathering Products in Regolith Breccias. MetSoc2002, Los Angeles CA. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 37, 7, A110.
Noble S. K. Pieters, C. M.and Keller L. P. (2001) Can Space Weathering Survive Lithification? Results of a TEM Study of Lunar Regolith Breccia 10068. LPSCXXXIII, Abstract #1334. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Noble S. K. and Pieters, C. M. (2001) Space Weathering in the Mercurian Environment. Mercury: Space Environment, Surface, and Interior. Abstract #8012. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston.
Noble S. K. and Pieters, C. M. (2001) Type 2 Terrain: Compositional Constraints on the Martian Lowlands. LPSCXXXII, Abstract #1230. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K., Pieters C. M., Taylor L. A., Morris R. V., Allen C. C., McKay, D. S. and Keller L. P. (2001) The Optical Properties of the Finest Fraction of Lunar Soil: Implications for Space Weathering. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 36, 31-42. Abstract
Pieters C. M., Taylor L. A., Noble S. K., Keller L. P., Hapke, B., Morris R. V., Allen C. C., McKay, D. S. and Wentworth, S. J. (2000) Space weathering on airless bodies: Resolving a mystery with lunar samples. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 35, 1101-1107. Abstract
Noble S. K. and Pieters C. M. (2000) Maturity indices in Lunar soil. Abstracts to New View of the Moon III, Oct 12-15 2000, LPI, Houston TX.
Hiroi T., Pieters C. M. and Noble, S. K. (2000) Improved Scheme of Modified Gaussian Deconvolution for Reflectance Spectra of Lunar Soils. LPSCXXXI, Abstract #1548. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K., Pieters C. M., Taylor L. A., Morris R. V., Allen C. C., McKay, D. S. and Keller L. P. (2000) Optical Properties of the Finest Fraction of Lunar Soil: Implications for Space Weathering Environments. LPSCXXXI, Abstract #1810. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K., Pieters C. M., Hiroi T., Taylor L. A., Morris R. V., Keller L. P., McKay, D. S. and Wentworth S. (2000) Initial Results of MGM analysis on Apollo 17 Soil Suite. LPSCXXXI, Abstract #1880. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K., Pieters C. M., Taylor L., Keller L., Morris R., McKay, D. and Wentworth S. (1999) The Optical Properties of the Finest Fraction of Lunar Soils: Initial Results and Implications for Weathering Processes. LPSCXXX, Abstract #1669. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Noble S. K., Lofgren G. E. (1998) Melting Histories of Chondrule Precursor Aggregates in UOC's. LPSCXXIX, Abstract #1442. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).